- the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one’s way of life, behavior, or political views.
NJLIBERTY.COM is site founded on action to protect our families, friends, and communities.

We invite anyone and everyone in NJ to tell their stories and let their voices be heard.
If you send emails or pictures, they will be posted as received. We encourage feed back regarding policies, rules, guidelines, etc. affecting your/our communities and way of life. We only ask that the content is appropriate for children and adults, as this is a family centric site.
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Latest: what’s going on?
Equity Status
Here in New Jersey most people have gotten pretty use to the “woke” policy makers in Trenton. While some school districts have put up …
Sagalogic III
When gender identity is inordinately the focus and emotional breakdowns can occur over addressing someone using the “wrong” pronouns, as a society, are we …
The Spark of Liberty
Happy New Year! We’re right in the middle of a 4 part series, “Sagalogic”, exposing the lunacy around the Trans Gender or LGBTQIA+ agenda …
Sagalogic II
Part II Transgender Student Guidance for School Districts “A school district shall accept a student’s asserted gender identity; parental consent is not required. Further, …
It’s been more than a year since NJLIBERTY has put out an opinion piece. After going down the rabbit hole that was COVID-19, and …
COVID-19: The Response
"I wasn't thinking of the Bill of Rights when we did this" Philip Dunton Murphy “COVID-19 is a Hoax!”“I lost my Mom to …
Smile Kids Phil Hates It!
As “15 days to slow the spread” comes to an end after two years of tyranny, please don’t think this is over. The governor, …
PuzZled PieCes
Mark the day the “Health Emergency”, “COVID-19 Pandemic”, was publicly set on fire in front of the world. The media can try to spin …
Merry from Murphy
Tis the season for vaccines and boosters -and Murphy’s Marketing Department is ready for the festivities to begin. In the last article we brought …