Tis the season for vaccines and boosters -and Murphy’s Marketing Department is ready for the festivities to begin. In the last article we brought you the social media feed for The New Jersey Department of Health. The goal was not only to expose the everyday fear mongering and smothering of vaccine posts, but also to examine the pictures themselves. The messaging alone was enough to be outraged. Similar to the group of kids in a high school parking lot slowly chanting “DO IT! – DO IT! – DO IT!” they post “Get the vaccine”, “The vaccine is safe and effective”, and “Did you get your booster. The coercion level is at nauseam and purposely offers no other information.
The deeper point about the pictures themselves spoke to something that is overlooked and frequently dismissed as a conspiracy theory. The images painted a picture of a world that, so far, is only a narrative by those seeking bleak societal change. The loneliness of a single mother making decisions by herself, and the single parent depicted over and over. These crafted scenes, followed by the video below, are truly disturbing.
Click to play
Yes, it should be against the law. If you liked that video, you’re in for a real treat. Phil’s little elves at the marketing department have been working hard in the workshop. Wait until you see what they did to help the little boys and girls of New Jersey with their Christmas list for Santa.
Click to play
Don’t worry, Phil and his little elves didn’t forget about grandma.
Click to play
Often we try to lighten the mood and/or situation with sarcasm, clever insight, etc, but in truth; this is downright wrong and upsetting. We could go on about the videos, but it’s already a lot to digest. We don’t think it’s necessary at this time.
Merry Christmas
Thanks for reading and watching.
Cited: New Jersey Department of Health – New Jersey Department of Health – YouTube